For stable and develop branch of MSS we provide docker images on

A complete setup of the mswms server with demodata and the mscolab server with an empty database and the mss ui can be started by a command.

released version

runs mswms with demodata, mscolab and the msui

$ xhost +local:docker
$ docker run   --net=host -ti --rm -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix openmss/mss MSS

You can afterwards load data from the wms servers into the msui or create an account on the mscolab server in the container.


Running pytest inside the docker container testing-develop

We mount the MSS workdir into the docker container and use an env var to access the directory for running pytest on that dir.

~/workspace/MSS$ docker pull openmss/testing-develop  # get recent version
~/workspace/MSS$ docker run -it --mount src=`pwd`,target=`pwd`,type=bind -e MSSDIR=`pwd` openmss/testing-develop  # mount dir into container, create env var MSSDIR with dir
(base) root@78f42ac9ded7:/# cd $MSSDIR  # change directory to the mounted dir
(base) root@78f42ac9ded7:/# mamba activate mss-develop-env  # activate env
(mss-develop-env) root@78f42ac9ded7:/# xvfb-run pytest -vv -n 6 --dist loadfile tests  # run pytest